The new green landscape will provide safe and attractive new gardens for the whole community to enjoy. There will be generous planting, including semi-mature, mixed-height trees and shrubs which will be divided into three themes; rain garden, ornamental and woodland. The area will be well lit and has been designed to ensure that it is overlooked by adjacent buildings helping to improve the safety of those using it.


The biodiverse public space will appeal to all ages. There will be recreational provision ranging from toddlers play areas to late teen social spaces, with a range of different play facilities for all ages. Older residents will be able to relax on benches in carefully designed gardens.  A pavilion will be created at ground floor level providing a social seating area and a facility for displaying public mural artwork. The gardens and outside communal space will also create an easily accessible and safe route connecting Wellesley Road and Tavistock Road as well as the approach to St Mary’s School.

The roofs of the new buildings will also be used to improve the local ecology of the area with careful planting being used to improve the biodiversity and wildlife. There will be roof gardens for local people to enjoy as well as community patios and mural playscapes for children.