Welcome to our website, where you can learn about the latest proposals to regenerate Woburn and Bedford Court creating a high quality, vibrant and aspirational development. Our updated ideas will provide about 464 new homes, including much-needed affordable homes in well-designed buildings with attractive landscaped gardens and generous public spaces.  There will be a community centre and some commercial units. The development aims to be the catalyst to revitalise Wellesley Road and create positive change including a safer and greener environment for all.  We are committed to working with the local community to develop and enhance the opportunities the scheme can bring to the neighbourhood. In December 2023 we held two public exhibitions to explain our ideas. To view the exhibition boards please click here

Please read through our website and tell us what you think by visiting the Have Your Say page. Our questionnaire will be available until Friday 22nd December 2023.



A Better Place
To Live

A Safer &
Greener Home

Your Say

