The new high quality development will reinvigorate the local area by creating around 464 new homes (many of which will be affordable homes), much needed workspace for co-working and office hubs, landscaped gardens and a new community centre. It will bring a new lease of life to the estate, which has seen better days. It will replace the current tired urban scene with attractive thoughtfully landscaped gardens designed to be safe places where residents can relax. 

The frontage along Wellesley Road will comprise two storey podiums carefully designed to be a similar height to neighbouring existing buildings enhanced by the planting of new trees. The higher floors will be set back. The community facilities will be located in the podiums and will include social areas, co-working and community space all of which will help to create a friendlier atmosphere.  The connections between Wellesley Road and Tavistock Road will be improved. The scheme will be built to the highest environmental standards. 

The development has been carefully designed to complement the Croydon skyline, with four buildings of varying heights. It will transform Wellesley Road, mediating its scale with the unique local street character. Careful consideration has been taken to  ensure it has a  positive impact on views across Croydon town centre from surrounding areas. 

In December 2023 we held two public exhibitions to explain our ideas. To view the exhibition boards please click here

The current public consultation takes forward initial development proposals put forward by Huntsmead Partners on the site. Since 2019 we have been working with them and the community to bring forward a scheme which will bring benefit to the local area and improve the ambiance for residence.  To learn about previous consultations and development ideas our pervious website is available by clicking here.